Safety Review & Safety Audit

The Factory and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Management) Regulation applies to contractors, shipyards, factories and designated industrial undertakings with more than 50 workers. According to the regulations, these organizations are required to establish and implement a Safety Management System (SMS) and conduct regular safety reviews or audits as stipulated by the regulations.

With the progress of society, there have been changes in the approaches to addressing occupational safety and health issues in recent years. In the past, the focus was primarily on official enforcement, but now there is a gradual shift towards proactively establishing safety management systems in industrial operations for self-regulation. Therefore, as early as the end of November 1999, a regulation on occupational safety and health was already passed, namely The Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Management) Regulations (F&IU(SM)R).

The regulation requires all industrial operation entities to formulate, organize, implement, and regularly review a Safety Management System (SMS). The effectiveness of their management system is assessed through means such as Safety Audit or Safety Review, providing a clearer definition of the elements that constitute the Safety Management System.
Safety Review(安全查核)

"safety review" (安全查核) means an arrangement for -

(a) reviewing the effectiveness of a safety managementsystem (including the elements specified in Schedule4 contained in the system); and

(b) considering improvements to the effectiveness of thesystem;

Applicable Enterprises:
for systems with 50 to 99 workers

Implementation Schedule:
Conduct safety review every six months

Safety Audit(安全審核)

"safety audit" (安全審核) means an arrangement for -

(a) collecting, assessing and verifying information on theefficiency, effectiveness and reliability of a safetymanagement system (including the elements specified inSchedule 4 contained in the system); and

(b) considering improvements to the system;

Applicable Enterprises:
for systems with 100 or more workers

Implementation Schedule:
Conduct safety audit annually

Armhere assists clients to conduct safety reviews & safety audit (for F&IU(SM) Regulation).

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