ISO Certification

We provide our clients with a comprehensive ISO management system consulting service, whether you start with “Zero” or redesign your existing management system (e.g. transition from OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018), or you want to improve your company management processes, our professional consultants can lead you to the goals.

1st Step

Gap Analysis

  • During this stage, our consultants will assess your organization's current processes, procedures, and practices in comparison to the requirements of the ISO standard you intend to achieve.
  • This analysis helps identify areas where your organization is already compliant and areas that need improvement to meet the standard's criteria.

2nd Step

Documentation and Implementation

  • Once the gap analysis is complete, our team will work closely with your organization to develop and implement the necessary documentation and processes.
  • This may involve creating quality manuals, procedures, work instructions, and other documentation required by the ISO standard.
  • The goal is to establish a robust and compliant management system that aligns with the ISO requirements.

3rd Step

Training and Awareness

  • A key aspect of ISO certification success is ensuring that all relevant personnel within your organization are aware of the ISO standard's requirements and their roles in the implementation process.
  • We provide comprehensive training sessions to familiarize your employees with the ISO standard and its implications for their daily activities.

4th Step

On-site Consultancy & Training

  • To further support your organization's ISO certification journey, we offer on-site consultancy and training services.
  • Our consultants will work closely with your team, providing hands-on guidance and assistance in implementing the ISO management system effectively.
  • Through on-site support, we can address specific challenges and tailor the implementation to your organization's unique needs.

5th Step

External Certification Audits

  • The final step in the ISO certification process is the external certification audit conducted by an accredited certification body.
  • The certification body's auditors will review your organization's management system, processes, and documentation to determine compliance with the ISO standard.
  • If the audit is successful and your organization meets all the required criteria, you will be awarded the ISO certification.

Choose An ISO Standard to get started

ISO Standards